40, now what?

I knew it was coming. 

I had a whole year of preparing for the BIG 4-0! 

But even then, I did get a little bit panicked the last few days leading up to my birthday. 

Like somehow this was going to be different. 

I guess we’re made to believe that age is a big deal and that the decade changes mean something else. 

I started making major changes over a year ago and will continue regardless of my age. 

But still, it does creep in your mind a little bit. 

I have been asked if I was 40 years old, for the good last 5-6 years of my life. It used to bug me, but then I decided to take it as a compliment. LOL 

“They just think I’m so mature and accomplished”, I would think or say to my friends. 

It worked pretty well, because I didn’t think must of it until the past few days. 

I would prefer not to get too many wrinkles that fast, but other than that, I’m ok with my age. 

I get sore a little bit faster. I can’t eat or drink crappy without it drastically impacting my sleep and daily functionality. (oh well)

I still can throw 200# over my head though, and run pretty fast if needbe. I can still beat my kids in a game of HORSE, and I rock out at concerts with the best of them. So, I don’t think I have much to complain about. 

So, I’m just going to keep on keepin’ on. Keep moving in the right direction, which is where I do less things daily that cause me stress and more of what I love. I’m going to keep working on making a difference in more people’s lives……..whatever and however I can. And…….I’m going to shoot for having more fun. 

Take that 40! 

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