When I decided to stop drinking 164 days ago, I thought of all the awesome stuff I would share with you guys about setting my goal and the journey. But, then I passed up my goal and everything seemed so much different and better, so I kept going and didn’t say anything. So……… now, I am backtracking and going to give you the “play by play” of what made me decide to stop drinking and what made me continue with it. Lot’s of “real talk”, which I think is the only way to truly find happiness and make big changes. Earlier in the year, my husband and I went and saw 3 Doors Down perform in Portland. While we were there, the lead singer shared how he had stopped drinking a few years ago. Ironically, I don’t actually remember his exact words, but something about the timing of it and him sharing his “why” it made me think, “If a rock star can do it, I can do it.” So, we made the drive back and I decided that I would quit drinking for 100 days. The year before I had done a 40 and 60 day stint of not drinking, (just to give my liver a break and make sure I could if I wanted to), so I thought that it needed to be longer than that. I am not a huge fan of 30-day challenges, mostly because it seems like instead…